5G-TOURS consortium involves a number of partners whose activity has a strong social emphasis, such as a hospital, a school, a museum, a municipality, an airport and a security agency. Driven by these actors, many of the use cases addressed by the project have a strong societal impact. In order to assess the resulting benefits for society, 5G-TOURS conducted subjective evaluations, which were fed with the feedback received from the verticals participating in the project workshops.
Thus, on 2022 June 2nd we organised an industrial workshop to reach healthcare professionals who were not directly involved in the project consortium and make them aware of the advantages that 5G can potentially bring to their businesses.
A strong emphasis was given to the use cases demonstrations, to show the advantages and benefits of 5G technology to address real problems and provide practical solutions.
During 2021, we, the partners of the health work package (WP5) of 5G-Tours have decided to join forces with those of the health use cases of 5G-Heart to carry out common actions.
The first was the organization of a webinar on October 21, 2021. The second was a face-to-face meeting between 5G players and health professionals, users and potential beneficiaries.
Due to the health crisis and the triggering of the white plan at the Rennes University Hospital, the workshop has been postponed twice. To meet the deadline of the 5G projects, early June was the very last opportunity.Therefore, it was planned on June 2nd.
Despite a major new crisis currently affecting all French hospitals faced with an unprecedented lack of staff, 81 people signed up for the Workshop and it was a great success.
Partners came from Norway, Ireland, Greece, the Nederlands, UK, and different parts of France. Doctors, nurses, executives, directors, laboratory technicians, computer engineers, network, biomedical equipment, clinical research were present.
The program was rich:
- In a first session, after a word of welcome from the Director General of the CHU, Frédéric Rimattei, lectures made it possible to pose the subject of 5G in a fairly general way, then to describe some of the use cases and finally to outline the prospects for deployment. and use
- Thierry EVANNO, Nokia, 5G AT A GLANCE
- Per H Lehne, Telenor Research, 5G Heart-e-health trials
- Nicolas Bihannic, Sofiane Imadali – Orange Innovation, Leveraging 5G for Healthcare and ties to other verticals
- Xavier Gilles, AMA, 5G and e-Ealth in other country (China case)
- Then, while videos concerning the use cases were broadcasted in a loop on several monitors, several stands animated by stakeholders in the 2 projects presented theirequipment, allowing the participants to test usages and above all to exchange directly in face to face.
- Nokia : Safety demonstration: diagrams from Nokia : Radiation simulation, measurements, and audits from ANFR/Emitech
- Wings : Use case H3C and UC 6 demo : Wings Startlit PF :
- RedZinc : Urban Search and Rescue
- AMA : Demo: Teleguidance for diagnostics and intervention support of an emergency ambulance
- Philips :
- Demo 1: 3D telepresence for remote ultrasound guidance
- Demo 2: Multi-stream digital ultrasound transfer
- Demo 3: Guided ultrasound with remote expert control
- B<>com: Demo: Use Case operating room:
- Calibration process for ultrasound and X RAY
- How to get probe position to allow Augmented Reality fusion application
- CHU : Use Case operating room: phantom
- Finally, from questions collected during the afternoon thanks to an interactive questionnaire (accessible with a QR code), we organized a panel session to answer and debate on the subjects of interest for the participants.
- Speakers of the session: Nicolas Bihannic (Orange), Bessem Sayadi (Nokia), Sofiane Imadali (Orange), Per Hjalmar Lehne (Telenor), Guillaume Pasquier (b<>com)
Some of the questions:- Security: advantages of 5G compared to other mobile technologies
- Low latency, what are we talking about?
- Private network versus slice of a public network
- Economic model: who will pay ?
- Energy sobriety
- Speakers of the session: Nicolas Bihannic (Orange), Bessem Sayadi (Nokia), Sofiane Imadali (Orange), Per Hjalmar Lehne (Telenor), Guillaume Pasquier (b<>com)
At the end of the workshop, some partners had the opportunity to visit the SAMU regulation center. Finally, the organizing partners and a few doctors met for dinner, which made it possible to continue the discussions.